Off to Atlanta
I head to Atlanta this morning to finish up vocals! I am pumped and ready to go. If ya'll get a chance say a prayer for my voice the next two days. Hopefully I will not look like this when I am finished!
a musician, singer, song writer, and a blog
I head to Atlanta this morning to finish up vocals! I am pumped and ready to go. If ya'll get a chance say a prayer for my voice the next two days. Hopefully I will not look like this when I am finished!
A couple of months ago I saw Third Day in concert and told you guys how Tai Anderson, bass player of the group, told of going to Uganda and seeing what he termed 'Invisible Children'. Children are abducted from their homes at night while they sleep and forced to join the rebel armies in Uganda. SO, now an organization is helping these children by taking them from their homes at night to a secluded place and then return the next day to their families.
Check out what is going on with and see what you can do to come alongside Third Day and many others across the country to help spread the word of the Ugandan children's horrific plight. There is a great short movie introducing how to make us aware of the situation.
There is a great event they are pushing for April 29th with a commercial you can see at their site. Check it out and see how you can join others in your city to help the kids.
song: Mission Minded(Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: Uganda Third Day Tai Anderson chris carder music
Hey, is there anyone out there who took the US Citizen test? I'd like to know.
Life seems much too fast or maybe too short these days. What a day.....spent the entire day cleaning the house and then the yard. It has been raining like crazy up here and the grass is growing so fast. It's like I just cut it 'the other day!' man! With the new kid on the block and the old kid trying to grow up faster than I'd like for her to is just a little hectic.
Other than that, things are great. In a couple of days I head down to Atlanta to the Bat Cave Studios to finish up my vocals on the new coming CD. I have sort of been a little frustrated cause of all the set backs with the new kid, jury duty, and the ton of work it took for the Easter service at our church. We put up a big tent in the fron lawn and had an awesome celebration time. It was just a ton of work to make it happen. Anyway, it will be great to get to Georgia, again! Woo-hoo! So, anyway.....I head to Atlanta about 4am on Wednsday morning. Hopefully, we will come out of there with some sweet sounds.
I just laid my 20 month old down in her bed. It is an awesome thing to be a dad. I love to tuck her in bed, read to her, pray with her and send her off to dream land. I never could have imagined the joy that comes from just watching her play or sing her crazy songs or watching her fall asleep. Before you know it she will be grown up like that grass.....much too fast.
song: Life's Too Short (Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: Recording Atlanta, Georgia The Bat Cave Studios chris carder Life's Too Short
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
Congratulations - you got 10 out of 10 correct! |
Jury duty has been an enjoyable experience the entire week. The really sad aspect of it all is that the Jefferson County Judicial Center is the busiest place in the state, on a day-to-day basis, which means there is a lot of crime being done on a day-to-day basis. Yesterday, while I was hurrying and witing to serve, I considered the basis of our entire system is grounded in the Ten Commandments and other various 'laws' laid out in the first five books of the Old Testament. You know the great story of Moses meeting with God on the mountain and coming down with the slates of stone with God's writing on them.
About a month ago, I entered a contest on and won the famous Cecil B. Demille's 1956 version of The Ten Commandments. I have seen it many times and love some of the huge scenes in Demille's attempts to bring Moses to life. This past week ABC in association with Hallmark Entertainment aired Robert Halmi Sr.' s rendition and remake of the same story. What a huge and boring mistake. Halmi is known for his effects and hugeness.....but about an hour into the story I was ready for the pillow. He portrays Moses as a man who is constantly wondering why God chose him and seems more like a impotent character with positive mental attitude hoping God will show up.
In one scene, Moses demoralizes Joshua, who later in real life led the Israelites into the Promised Land, calling him a coward. Most of the scenes in this movie were not Biblically based or accurate to the Scriptures. But I must say, I am not surprised with 'Hollywood's' biblical movies these days. Moses spent at least three hours of the movie asking God, "What do you want me to understand what You are saying when You call Yourself "I Am That I Am"?
You can check out a couple of reviews here: "Ten Commandments' is an inane, empty remake" in the Boston Globe by Matthew Gilbert and the Louisville Courier-Journal 's "New ' Ten Commandments' could learn from DeMille's Bible " by Tom Dorsey.
song: Strange and Wonderful (Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: Moses The Bible The Old Testament Cecil B. Demille Louisville Courier-Journal The Ten Commandments(1956)" The Ten Commandments chris carder music The Ten Commandments(2006)
It is a rather bothersome thing and puts one in a sort of, 'out-of-commission' state for about two weeks of your life.....but it is one of the great privileges AND responsibilities of every American citizen. What am I talking about?....... jury duty. Today I was summoned to appear at the Jefferson County Judicial Center....for the next two weeks. Failure to show would be futile. The Sheriff shows up at your door and reads the Miranda rights to you and you end up right back where you started from...less some fines, I am sure.
Yeah, the first thing you say to yourself is, "I do not have time to serve." What about the next CD I am working on that is already overdue? How far back is this going to put the release date? Can other people adjust to my schedule to accommodate me?
Yeah, it can be a hassle. But today I felt encouraged and appreciated by all of the court 'ministers', from the administrators to the judges who spoke to us. How cool is it to be a part of one of the greatest aspects of our government set in place way back when Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were but young men? Pretty cool, I think. I hope I can be of service to the city of Louisville, Kentucky.
Maybe I will be someone who makes history in the court system in our great country of America, land of the free. Or maybe I will never be called to be on a case.....but just be available for God to use me in anyway He sees fit. Who knows, life just goes on and on.....then one day, Jesus will return. Absolutely and without question....He will come back. Maybe even while I am sitting in the Jefferson County Jury Pool Assembly Hall this week.
song: Go!(A Day in Life) (Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: American Citizen Thomas Jefferson George Washington Jefferson County Chris Carder music Kentucky America chris carder Jury Duty
Have you ever just dreamed of 'something' and worked for 'something' and sacrificed stuff for 'something' and that 'something' just never seem to happen, never came to fruition. I'm sure we all have something we wish we could have achieved and just never did. We will feel like we wasted our time and energies and $$$ to end up......empty of our 'something'. It could be a relationship, a career, a dream that just becomes a carrot right in front of you. But it is in your heart and you press on trying to grasp it.
Maybe we have watched friends or parents become distant because they were pouring their lives into their 'something' that they missed the really important things. Some kids never see their moms and dads much at all. I suppose it would be wise to learn at an early age to keep things in perspective; to discipline your life so that there is a balance. It is hard when the 'something' keeps calling to you.
A lot of people search for God in a similar way. A long time ago, God stepped out of heaven and became one of us. He dwelt among us and told us how to have a relationship with Him. Most of us try to have a relationship with God on our own terms instead of His terms. So, we try to earn His love by obeying a set of rules or following a guideline of do's and don'ts. In the end many miss ever knowing Him.
The 'California Dreamer' did just that.....never gets where she wants to, when all along her dream was right there. If you get a chance, check out the song.
song: California Dreamer (Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: California California Dreamer Tsunami West Coast Banda Aceh chris carder music California Dreamer
We are closing out March Madness and moving into GMA week in Nashville, Tennessee. This morning I played the Kutless song "Strong Tower" during a worship set at my home church, Forest Park Community Church. What a great song! As I write this note, I am listening to WAY-FM streaming over the internet and 'Strong Tower' was just on the playlist. What a small world we live in...not too many years ago half of what consumes our day was not even a thought....the internet, blogging, websites, etc. 'I Can Only Imagine' by Mercy Me is playing now. In an instance, even in Malawi, Africa or Manado, Indonesia, you can stream your favorite radio station or watch your favorite sports team live at NCAA Sports. We got our microwave ovens, instant tea and fast food. We can talk to friends on the other side of the world and they sound like they are next door. Building 429's rendition of Tim Hughes' song 'Beautiful One' is on now. What a world. But only a glimpse of real life on the other side. We can not even imagine that place. We can close now with Third Day's 'Cry Out To Jesus'...and do if you haven't. Cry out to Him. You will find Him wherever you are.
song: Dance For You (Listen) (Purchase - $1.00)
tags: Kutless WAY-FM Mercy Me GMA Week Tim Hughes NCAA Sports Building 429 Third Day Cry Out To Jesus chris carder music Listing song dance for you
Well, there is a new kid in the house. Keely Elisabeth Carder. Keely means 'beautiful' and Elisabeth means 'consecrated to God'. We are blessed to have her in our lives, along with her big sister of 19 months, Elena. She was born at 1:26 on March 27th, 2006 at Baptist East Hospital in Louisville, KY. Louisville, Kentucky, known for the infamous Slugger Museum, Muhammad Ali and University of Louisville now has a new star. Keely weighed 7lbs and 13 ounces coming in at 21 inches long. Here is a pic of the Momma, Papa and little one a day after birth.