Mullet Bay on St. Simons Island, GA
I have some great friends who live off the coast of Southern Georgia on Saint Simons Island. It is a really beautiful area and there are some great restuarants around. My favorite since I have been going down there is Mullet Bay. Right in the 'down town' area of St. Simons. Great food, great service, friendly servers and a completely beautiful place/area. If you are down that way, check it out. It is only an hour from Savannah or Jacksonville.
For more information go to their website: This is me on the North end of the island this past July 4th weekend. It was a great time....but I can not wait to get back there. Clicking the photo will take you to and you can check out my music and videos!
song: Mile of Sunshine Boulevard
all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $0.99
current release TRUST $13.00 (order online or via snail mail)