Home for the Holidays
Headed to Georgia this week to visit family and friends. Looking forward to getting back to the old neighborhoods and familiar places from my past. My mom is an amazing cook and I have already put in my request for her awesome Lentil Soup. About anything she makes creates a smile in my tummy, so I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving meal with the family. Turkey, dressing, etc. All the trimmings. Probably watch some NFL football and hang up mom's Christmas lights.
I hope to visit with a few friends that I have missed for a while.
I hope to visit with a few friends that I have missed for a while.

Pat Terry has been an inspiration most of my life. He is an amazing songwriter and will be releasing a new project very soon. Check him out and get Pat's project when it hits the shelves! I hope to see him while I am down in Smyrna, Georgia....my home town and where Pat still lives.
song: Shoebox
song: Shoebox
all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $0.99
current release TRUST $13.00 (order online or via snail mail)