Check out my friend, Phil Wing
I use to lead worship at a church called Apex Community Church. I actually was a part of the church until they planted the church and moved their services to Sunday mornings. A young man, Phil Wing, took over the worship responsibilities and I was able to spend some time getting to know him before I left Apex. He is a special person with a special heart. I want to invite everyone to check out his band's website and purchase his latest CD called 'True Light'. True Light is an EP that has songs God has developed through Phil's heart. Here are few pictures of Phil and the The Phil Wing Band.
tags: Church Apex Community Church Phil Wing The Phil Wing Band Dayton, Ohio True Light chris carder music listing christian music
WOW...I'm honored bro! Thank you so much...and what you forgot to mention in your entry was that YOU TRAINED ME TO TAKE OVER FOR YOU!!! That's something I'll never forget and appreciate so much!
WOW...I'm honored bro! Thank you so much...and what you forgot to mention in your entry was that YOU TRAINED ME TO TAKE OVER FOR YOU!!! That's something I'll never forget and appreciate so much!
God has great plans for you...for all of us...I mean heck, mansions? What a deal. I did little to help you brother.... the Lord put your ministry in your heart. I am just thankful that I even know you.
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