I have Mile of Sunshine Boulevard up at Indieheaven.com (IH). It would be great if you would take a few seconds and vote for the song on Indieheaven's Fan Fave page. Just click the banner below and it will take you IH's home page. Currently Mile of Sunshine Boulevard is at #3! You vote by just dragging over the stars next to the song. Click on the song and give it a listen. Then, after you have voted, click on my name (which will take you to my IH page and listen/vote for all my songs!
Mile of Sunshine Boulevard is a song of the abundant life we find in Christ! Yes, here on the earth now....and yet we greatly anticipate the time when we will be with Him in heaven! I wrote it with a dear friend, Frank French. Here are the lyrics.....
Mile of Sunshine Boulevard
Travelling down the Mile of Sunshine Boulevard
Seeing things I never dreamed I see
Comin’ round a bend, I lean into the wind,
Finding new life with every breath I breathe.
Never believed it could get any better than this,
But this is really only a glimpse
When the road is done and I’m finally home.
Well I will shout and I will sing
I will dance to the King of Kings
And I will rejoice to be travelling down
The Mile of Sunshine Boulevard.
Ya better watch on the Mile of Sunshine Boulevard,
There are those who want to take you out.
Just keep lookin’ straight ahead,
You will never be misled,
Keep lovin’ the Lord and the road He takes you down.

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tags: Mile of Sunshine Boulevard Indieheaven.com Fan Faves Vote Frank French chris carder music listing christian music

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