Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday was a blast at Forest Park Community Church. It was a lot of work to go to the Jeffersontown Community Center in suburbia Louisville, Kentucky, but it was awesome. We started the service off with Rend the Heavens' 'Holy'. That set everything into motion. The morning set featured these songs:
A Thousand Hallelujahs by Mark Roach
He Reigns by the Newsboys
Come Thou Almighty King
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
King of Glory by Third Day
During the offering we had Michaela Riggle share her testimony with us. She has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for autism. She read in the Bible (John chapter 6) the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with 5 barley loaves and two fish. That gave her a vision to help raise the money to buy the new medicine that would help her young autistic brother.
Our Pastor Ronnie Caswell gave a clear presentation of what the ressurection means to all of us and we concluded the ministry time with Chris Tomlin's 'The Wonderful Cross'. It was a great day to see all the Forest Park church in one building, not seperated by multiple services. Boy Forest Park could use a new buliding!
song: Trust
all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $0.99
current release TRUST $13.00 (order online or via snail mail)