
Carder in the top 25!

#22 this morning!

Awesome. We have broken into the top 25! You guys are awesome. It will take a miracle to get to the top ten, but that is my heart for this song. I appreciate your sincere help. Keep voting please. Keep sending it to your friends, please. And keep asking them to vote and pass it on to their friends! It all will help. Just click the banner to go to the IH home page.
click the banner then go to Fan Faves to vote for Trust (currently #22)
After voting, click my name by the song, and listen and vote for all the songs on the Trust CD.

God bless! THANK YOU!!!

t00 m0ch,



icerocket tags:

all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $1.00
current release TRUST $15.00 (order online or via snail mail)

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Me Me Me - a Chris Carder Playlist

The following collection of tunes in this playlist - are some of my own. The title doesn't really mean, "Me Me Me - it's all about Me!" But, you do kinda feel that way when posting your own tunes. Think of it as the opera singer on Bugs Bunny warming up, "me me me meeeee!"

Enjoy the tunes ... Go! (A Day in Life) is presented here followed by Thief - which is the way the songs were intended to be heard (Thus why thief is such a short song - it's a coda to Go! and really the whole album, "Too Much for Me."




all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $1.00
current release TRUST $15.00 (order online or via snail mail)

vote for me