
Old School Song - Psalm 139:17,18.

Psalm 139 has always been one of my favorite passages in the Holy Scriptures. And from previous entries I have expounded on various verses of that song. Today's focus: Psalm 139:17,18.

17 How precious to me are Your thoughts,
O God! How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them, they would
outnumber the grains of sand....
When I awake, I am still with You.

The entire psalm is describing the intricate way that God is involved in our lives. He searches us, He knows us. He knows where we go during the day and where we lay our heads at night. Even before we speak, He knows what we are going to say. He is our Creator and has full knowledge of how we behave and work, why we grieve or hurt, when we stand and when we fall.

Then we get to these two special verses that reminds us that God is thinking about us always. He did not create this world and then 'fly off to another galaxy' to do some other work. He is always thinking about us. His thoughts to us can not be numbered. You might as well start counting the grains of sand in the entire world....absolutely impossible. We weary and have to fall asleep at night to regain our strength....but He never sleeps nor slumbers. When we wake up, we are still with Him.

Whatever you or I have to endure in this life, we are assured that Jesus walks every step with us and is constantly, with His still quiet voice, loving on us and pouring out His encouragement on us. He breathed life into us and continues to move us by His Spirit....as we allow Him to do so.




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