
Find Me @ last.fm by Chris Carder

Well, this will be a short post - but like the title says, "Find me at last.fm."

Need a link: Carder on last.fm

Stop by, give me a listen. If you sign up (or are signed up) any comments, tags, etc., would be greatly welcomed. Telling a friend would be nice too. I'd love to see your face (avatar, etc.,) on my fan page as well.

Speaking of faces, I am enjoying all of the new people I am meeting at MyBlogLog - to those who haven't joined my community - consider this a welcomed invitation to add me as a contact or join my community: A Day in Life or Chris Carder Music Online. Speaking of adding friends and contacts, I have a community for my MySpace too, and feel free to visit: MySpace/chriscardersmusic


p.s. if you're looking for the link to the post: "Find Me @ last.fm by Christ Carder" - well, this would be the post ... a typo in the title, just had to be changed.


song: Shoebox (you can listen to it at Too Much Records)

all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $1.00
current release TRUST $15.00 (order online or via snail mail)

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