More Larry Norman: The Tune Live Video
Some time back, I wrote a post about Larry Norman and his influence on me and my music. In that post I wrote, "I love to see a person's heart exposed in their music and Larry Norman is the model. Norman, Keith Green, Pat Terry, and others paved the way for artists like myself....who are just trying to get their music from their hearts to the people."
Seeing Larry live, you get to see more than just a person's heart exposed in music, but sometimes his expression is simply so raw, real, so radical ... you see a performer with the guts. This video might take a bit, it's Larry's song: The Tune. Larry was once on stage and started playing with the piano - and ad-libbed a song. He found someone bootlegging the show and borrowed a copy of the tape - so he could learn the song - and perform it again.
Here is Larry live at the piano - singing: The Tune. You get to see some of Larry's humor as well. Enjoy:
Video link to youtube for Larry Norman's The Tune
I'll be posting a Keith Green Video later this week ... be sure to come back for that.
song: I got a shoebox underneath my arm, yeah...

all mp3 downloadable songs priced: $1.00
current release TRUST $15.00 (order online or via snail mail)
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